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Material Safety Data Sheet
Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging)
Applicable To: LineBrite Pitch Marking Paint
Material: Line marking paint concentrate.
Water based concentrated line marking paint for use on grass
Organic and inorganic pigments and extenders in a water based copolymer emulsion.
Hazard Information
Under the CHIP regulations these products are not classified and so an S.D.S. and label are not required. However, there is a requirement under section 6 of Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 to provide information about any risk which may arise from the use of a substance at work and this S.D.S. is provided to satisfy that requirement.
First Aid Measures
Eyes: Flush immediately with plenty of water or neutral saline solution holding eyelids apart. Remove contact lenses.
Skin: Wash skin with plenty of soap and water before emulsion dries. Remove contaminated clothing and launder.
Inhalation of Spray: In case of coughing or irritation of mucous membranes, remove affected person to fresh air and keep warm and at rest in the recovery position.
Ingestion: If person vomits, turn over on to face but DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING because of danger of aspiration. Wash mouth out and give milk or water to drink BUT if person is unconscious, do not give anything by mouth. IF SYMPTOMS PERSIST OR ARE SEVERE, OBTAIN MEDICAL ADVICE
Fire Fighting Measures
NOT APPLICABLE: The substance is not flammable nor will it support combustions.
Accidental Release Measures
Mop up with absorbent material or transfer liquid into a salvage vessel. Keep out of drains or inform local authority. May cause slippery surfaces. See paragraph ‘Disposal Considerations’ for disposal.
Handling and Storage
Not hazardous to store. Keep in a cool, dry and well-ventilated frost-free place away from children. Do not hang containers on a hook.
Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Take common sense precautions to avoid splashes or spray entering mouth or eyes. Wear mask and eye protection when necessary, particularly if spraying. If required wear gloves and overalls to keep skin on contact to a minimum. Wash after use.
Physical and Chemical Properties
A liquid or paste with low odour.
Relative density: 1.4 to 1.6 depending on product
Solubility in water: Miscible
Stability and Reactivity Date
Stability: Stable
Hazardous Decomposition and Combustion Products:
In protracted fires, material may dry out sufficiently to burn and produce black choking smoke.
Toxicological Information
Eyes: Can cause soreness and redness.
Skin: Prolonged repeated contact may cause defatting of the skin.
Inhalation: Spray mist can irritate the mucous membranes and cause headache and nausea.
Ingestion: To be avoided though not toxic.
Ecological Information
If sufficient enters watercourses it will cause discolouration.
Disposal Considerations
Do not pour into drains or dispose of indiscriminately. In sufficient quantities obtain the services of a Waste Disposal Contractor to comply with the duty or care required under the Environmental protection Act 90.
Transport Information
Not hazardous
Regulatory Information
Supply label information: Not required by CHIP but labelled with S2, S23, S26, S51.
Regulations: Health & Safety at Work Act. Environmental Protection Act and Duty of Care Regulations.
Other information
NOTE: This data sheet does not constitute a user’s assessment or workplace risk as required by H.S.W. Act, COSHH, Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations or other Health & Safety Legislation. It is the user’s responsibility to satisfy himself as to the application for his own use of the information/recommendation given.
c/o Cutting Edge Services
Co. Wexford
053-9238913 or 087-6196828